Please join us.
There is a place for you here.

All are welcome.  Please let us know if you have questions.


What are services like?  We follow the Lutheran book of worship in our 10:00 in person services, which are also live streamed. We have adult Bible Study at 9:00 AM each Sunday, as well as special occasion outdoor services.

Are kids welcome?  Absolutely!  We love having children attend all services.  There is a "pray ground" in the sanctuary during worship, specifically geared toward younger kids. We also have a cry room at the back of the sanctuary. 

What do I wear?  Wear whatever you are comfortable in.  Because we are in a lake environment, you will see a bit of everything.  Some are in their Sunday best and others in jeans or even shorts.

How do I connect?  Please contact the office by phone at (830)899-2273 or email at  Follow us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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